Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Expect Nothing Less

I realized recently that I haven't blogged in a while. I guess I've just gotten busy with life but over the past couple weeks I've been learning a lot.

The Lord is teaching me multiple lessons at once which is cool and slightly overwhelming. Just to name a few I'm learning about freedom. I recall a few years ago praying to understand freedom. I was a little nervous as I asked to know what it really meant to be free from sin and to no longer be a slave. Well I feel like I'm finally starting to get just the smallest piece of it. He is showing me through my sin that I don't have to be ashamed to talk Him when I fail. That I can humbly approach Him with my mess and He will respond. I'm also learning that freedom is hard to live. Even though I know I am a new creation, the old tries to creep up and convince me otherwise.

I've also been learning about God's faithfulness to His people. Just before I left Korea last time my church was looking for a new building. They were selling the one we were meeting in and we couldn't afford the entire 10 story building. Also before I left our pastor started preaching through Exodus. When I returned to Korea in March and went to church I was surprised to find that we were still in the old building and still in Exodus. I quickly learned though that we had found a new building and that we would be ready to move-in in a matter of weeks. The last couple of weeks in our old building were spent studying about how God was preparing the Tabernacle for the Israelites and how he had very specific plans for each item that was to be represented in the Tabernacle. It was a cool comparison for us as a congregation to learn about God preparing things for the Israelites and watch Him prepare things for us as well. Now, the most amazing part about all of this was that it worked out that our last lesson in Exodus coincided with our first week in the new building. We all could very much relate to God's glory filling the Tabernacle and His presence among His people. There was exuberant rejoicing the entire day. It was completly God's timing that this all worked out. At one point we made an offer on another building and we were so certain this was what God had for us, but it fell through. I'm thankful for the vivid picture of how the Lord does exceedingly more than we can ask or imagine. Our current building is perfect for our church family. I feel such a sense of being home everytime I worship there, not only because I am surrounded by loving believers, but because I am in a building that the Lord choose just for us. It's cool that He will do things to make us feel special even though we are just one of his numerous children.

I'm also learning about prayer. I thought I had a pretty good grasp on prayer before. But the past couple weeks I've had some intense prayer sessions. The best part is that my most passionate prayers are not for myself. I love that God is turning me from myself to other people that I can intercede for. I think this is only the beginning of something God wants to teach me about intercession. I had a girl I barely know from church email me about going into the city weekly and praying for the women in the red light districts. She told me that my name was on her heart and she discussed it with a mutual friend and it seemed to resonate with her as well. My first reaction was one of bewilderment. I didn't really think I had a dynamic prayer life or that I had a particular gifting that would attract me to this ministry. But through other occassions when I would pray for friends and family, I realized this maybe an area that the Lord wants to strengthen. I'm not saying that prayer is a spiritual gift that some people have and others don't. We are commanded to pray and it offers direct communication and intimacy with all three parts of the Trinity. I guess mine is just an average prayer life that the Lord does respond to, but one that contains aspects that need attention.

One other thing that I'm learning is to be still. Be quick to pray, slow to react. Spend time listening before and after I talk to the Father.

Because of all that I'm learning the Lord has provided incredible godly sisters to surround me. There have been times that I've hesitated to be vulnerable and share with them, but the Lord always creates an opportunity that is safe and welcoming that allows me to pour my heart out to them. It is a beautiful picture of community and I can't express how grateful I am for these dear friends.

Pray that I would comprehensively understand the lessons I'm learning in order that I will grow and be more effective for His Kingdom. Also pray that the prices would come down for a flight I'm hoping to book in the next couple days.